Wednesday 5 March 2008

Sheila Sheikh

I can't wait for this to come back on the air! For those of you who don't know it, shame on you . . . no only joking, for those of you who don't know it, make sure you watch the video below, it's absolutly brilliant. If you like Little Britain or Catherine Tate then you're going to love this. It's basically about a Dublin woman who dresses up as different characters for the duration of each programme and goes around the streets of Dublin just performing random acts of stupidness - it's so funny.

Anyway I was watching her in an interview a few weeks ago and she said that the first few sketches were just as a pilot to see how well it went down with the audience - needless to say it was a blast and they are now going to give her a regular slot on RTE which I can not wait for. The only thing is, I don't know how long it's going to be until it's back on TV. Suppose we'll just have to wait and see! Anyway, until then, we're going to just have to make do with these clips from her first few sketches!

So take a look and decide for yourself . . . . . .

1 comment:

Colin Cooney said...

Was looking forward to viewing the video but it's not working.